How to choose the right skin whitening plan for me?
You see various products, quantities or subscription but you don’t know what is right for you. No worries, we are here to help!
If you want direct contact, just contact us on Whatsapp with a photo of your leg or arm (as hands or faces are more exposed to sun).
If you cannot just read the below instructions and choose your plan.
Determine your skin phototype…and select your skin whitening plan.
Skin Type I Always pale, ivory skin tone, you cannot stay more than few minutes under the sun without burning. Injections are not recommanded and skin whitening tablets are needed in small quantity with main goal not to whiten the skin but to boost immune skin.
Recommanded plans: natural antioxidants skin whitening tablets
Skin Type II This is the standard fair complexion that needs between 30 to 50 sun protection but you can tan. Injections would help but skin whitening tablets are recommended.Order Processing
Recommanded plans: skin whitening injections skin whitening tablets
Skin Type III With this skin type described as honey, golden or brown skin type you can tan but not burn under the sun. Injections are not mandatory but you would need at least 60 tablets and up to 90.
Recommanded plans: skin whitening injections skin whitening tablets
Skin Type IV Your skin tans easily without burning and is often seen as medium browns. 8 Injections are recommanded up to 16 over 2 months.
Recommanded plans: skin whitening tablets skin whitening injections
Skin Type V You tan easily and quickly without getting burned. Your dark brown skin color requires injections or a lot of skin whitening tablets.
Recommanded plans: skin whitening tablets skin whitening injections
Skin Type VI You tan easily and quickly without getting burned. Your dark skin color requires injections or a lot of skin whitening tablets.
Recommanded plans: skin whitening tablets skin whitening injections